The purpose of this application is to save HW power button a little.
After install there is new App Icon - EasyOff. When you tap it for the first time, app requests Device Admin right. If you grant it, the second and other time you tap it, device goes to sleep mode, as if you pushed the power button.
Thats all. NO ROOT NEEDED.
how to uninstall:
1. Settings - Security - Device Administrators - Deactivate EasyOff
2. Settings - Apps - Uninstall EasyOff
</div> <div class="id-app-translated-desc" style="display:none">本申请的目的是节省硬件电源按钮一点。
安装后有新的应用程序图标 - EasyOff。当你点击它的第一次,应用程序请求设备管理员的权利。如果授予它,你点击它的第二个和其他时间,设备进入睡眠模式,因为如果你按下电源按钮。
1设置 - 安全 - 设备管理员 - 停用EasyOff
2,设置 - 应用程序 - 卸载EasyOff</div> <div class="show-more-end">